Saturday, February 21, 2009

NOT Embarrassed By Our New President!

Refreshing isn't it?

I don't watch TV news and haven't since Sept. 13th 2001 -- except for a bit during the recent election and some during the starmaking turn of Anderson Coopers' coverage of Hurricane Katrina. But, I do keep up via many different online sources in the States and abroad.

I did see images and clips from Dubyas (George W. Bush) reign obviously, and so many of them seemed so very cringe-worthy, especially when he traveled. Whether in the presence of foreign heads-of-state or even a reasonably intelligent 7 year old with a better command of the English language, there was always the cringe. Those moments when, as an American, I was so completely embarrassed by our nations' "leader". His ignorance - His lack of aptitude and his poor, poor representation.

I recently saw a clip of Obama in Canada. Smiling, articulate, warm and at ease and realized: I am NOT embarrassed by him. Obvious perhaps, but as a conscious thought it was most delightful.

The return of hope is powerful in itself, but these moments of realization that someone competent represents us to the rest of the world is profoundly pleasurable.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fiona HEWITT Link

Apologies....her product line is called Dumpling Dynasty.

The above will link you to her fabulous art site.

I am humbled.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lil Dumplins

Copyright Fiona Lewis

Ahhh...the magic of the Dumpling Dynasty
. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Tuesday - 'Tis a "work in progress"...aaaargh, the cliche!

In the meantime...checkout The Mincing Mockingbird and the other blogs I follow to the right for dashing wordplay, downright cleverness, creative fodder and a dollop of snark.

Thank you,
The Management