Monday, May 25, 2009

There are ANTS in my keyboard...aaaaaaargh

No shit.

Lil tiny black ones.

Periodically one makes a mad dash across my screen as well. Despite my respect for virtually all creatures I am forced to extinguish their little lives.

WTF are they doing there?

I cleaned the keys with Q-tips and alcohol (not the drinking kind). Okay, okay the keys needed cleaning anyway.

I even splashed about a quarter of a glass of iced tea (accidentally) on the keyboard today, thinking afterword there should be a little swell of drowned ant bodies. But noooooooooo..

Any tips fellow bloggers? Should I burn sage? Lead them to a small cup of beer? <--- Hey, it works with slugs. I'm up for almost any remedy unless it includes Aqua-Net 'cause that would pretty much kill off the keyboard entirely.


  1. can you get a little ant hotel and set it on the keyboard at night?

  2. I tried lil Raid hotels on the floor and baseboard, thinkin' they have to get up on the desk somewhere. It diminished the numbers, but they're still with me....waaaaah. I got fresh "TERRO" ant lodgings yesterday. It's always worked for me before. Thanks for your interest Ms. Q!
